Signals and Systems 2019



Textbook: LINEAR SYSTEMS and SIGNALS Oxford Univeristy Press 2005, Second Edition by B.P. Lathi.



Lecture 1        Introduction to Signals

Lecture 2        Introduction to Systems

Lecture 3        Time-Domain Analysis; Zero-Input Response

Lecture 4        Time-Domain Analysis; Zero-State Response; Introduction to Convolution

Lecture 5        Convolution

Lecture 6-7     Laplace Transform

Lecture 8        Fourier Transform

Lecture 9        Connecting Laplace and Fourier Transforms – System Stability

Lecture 10      Frequency Response – Bode plots

Lecture 11      Zeros – Poles – Filters

Lecture 12      Signal Transmission - Group Delay - Windowing Effects

Lecture 13      Sampling – Quantization

Lecture 14      Discrete Fourier Transform

Lecture 15      z – Transform

Revision Lecture 1

Revision Lecture 2




The presentations below contain tutorial problems with detailed solutions


CLASS 1 Introduction to Signals and Systems


CLASS 2 LTI Systems


CLASS 3 Convolution


CLASS 4 Laplace Transform I


CLASS 5 Laplace Transform II


CLASS 6 Fourier Transform


CLASS 7 Time and Frequency Response - Filters


CLASS 8 Sampling