Professor Pier Luigi Dragotti

Imperial College London


I am looking for motivated students willing to do a PhD in the area of model-based machine learning and computational imaging.

Di You wins the best paper award at IEEE MMSP 2023 workshop. Well done Di!

Roxana Alexandru wins the Outstanding PhD Thesis Award 2021-22. Well done Roxana!

Vincent publishes a paper in Nature Communications. Well done! Here is an article from Forbes.

Jiaoyang Liu wins the 'Ivor Tupper Prize' for her MSc project under my supervision. Well done!

Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 2018-20 (certificate of merit)

Xin Deng wins the Outstanding PhD Thesis Award, 2020-21. Well done Xin!

We uncover forgotten figures beneath one of Leonardo's paintings

Check out the start-up company funded by Loic Baboulaz a former PhD student of mine!

Learn more about my ERC RecoSamp Project

Adam wins gold at the Commonwealth Games!

Selected recent talks:

Recent manuscripts:


Press Releases:



Contact Details

Prof. Pier Luigi Dragotti, FIEEE
Professor of Signal Processing
Office 814
CSP Group
EEE Department
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road,
London SW7-2AZ,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6192
Fax:+44 (0)20 75946234

Research Areas

Wavelet theory.
Sampling theory.
Sparse Signal Processing
Computational Imaging
Data-Driven Image processing and Image Super-Resolution.