The lectures slides for the courses taught are available for download from this web-page as a PDF.
Statistical Signal Processing and Inference
- Course Introduction
- Lecture 1: Random Variables (Background)
- Lecture 2: Linear Stochastic Processes (ARMA)
- Lecture 3: Introduction to Estimation Theory
- Lecture 4: Minimum Variance Unbiased (MVU) Estimation
- Lecture 5: BLUE and Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Lecture 6: The Method of Least Squares
- Lecture 7: Adaptive Estimation and Inference
- Lecture 8 (optional): Linear and Nonlinear Regression
- Lecture Supplements
Adaptive Signal Processing and Machine Intelligence
- Course Introduction
- Lecture 1: Background Material
- Lecture 2: Augmented Complex Statistics and Widely Linear Modelling
- Lecture 3: Nonparametric Spectrum Estimation
- Lecture 4: Modern Spectrum Estimation - Methods for Line Spectra
- Lecture 5: Adaptive Filters and Applications
- Lecture 6: Complex valued and multidimensional adaptive filters
- Lecture 7: Advanced Learning Systems and Neural Networks
- Lecture 8: Tensor Methods for Big Data Analysis
- Lecture 9: Feedback Adaptive Filters (not required)
- Lecture 10: Blind Adaptive Filters (not required)