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Professor Kin K. Leung
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Computing Departments
Imperial College
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2BT
United Kingdom

Office phone: +44-207-594-6238
Call within the U.K.: 0207-594-6238
Email: kin.leung@imperial.ac.uk (or kkleung@ieee.org)

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Courses Taught

- Reinforcement Learning for Communication Systems (new for MSc C&SP students)

- Topics in Engineering: Signals and Communications (2019-now)

- Introduction to Signals and Communications (2011-2018)

- Computer Systems (2008-now)

- Communications II (2009-2010)

- Probability and Stochastic Processes (2005-2006)

- Architectures for Communications and Signal Processing: IEEE 802.11 and 802.16 (2006)

Professional Experiences

- Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Computing Departments, Imperial College
    Tanaka Chair Professor (2004-now)

- Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dept., Imperial College
    Head of Communications & Signal Processing Group (2009-2024)
    Deputy Director, University Research Defence Centre (Phase 1) (2009-2013)

- Wireless Technology Research Dept, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
    Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (2002-2004)

- Broadband Wireless Systems Research Dept, AT&T Labs
    Technology Consultant (1997-2002)
    Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (1996)

- Teletraffic Theory & System Performance Dept, AT&T Bell Labs
    Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (1994-96)
    Member of Technical Staff (1986-94)


- Ph.D. in computer science, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1985

- M.S. in computer science, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1982

- B.S. in electronics, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1980

Major Honors and Awards

- Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, 2022

- IEEE Fellow, 2001

- Member of Academia Europaea, 2012

- IET Fellow, 2021

- Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, 2004-2009

- Bell Labs Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Award, 1994

- IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize, 2021

- IEEE Communication Society Best Survey Paper Award, 2022

- U.S.–UK Science and Technology Stocktake Award for the DAIS ITA Team, 2021

- Lanchester Prize Honorable Mention Award, 1997

- IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee for Communications Society: Member 2009-2011, Chairman 2012-2015

Best Paper Awards

- Z. Zhang, L. Ma, K. Poularaki, K.K. Leung and L. Wu, "DQ Scheduler: Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Controller Synchronization in Distributed SDN," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China, May 2019

- L. Ma, T. He, K.K. Leung, D. Towsley and A. Swami, "Efficient Identification of Additive Link Metrics via Network Tomography," IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Philadelphia, U.S.A., July 2013

- G. Tychogiorgos, A. Gkelias and K.K. Leung, "Utility-Proportional Fairness in Wireless Networks," IEEE PIMRC, Sydney, Australia, September 2012

- Z. Ding, K.K. Leung and M. Peng, "On the Application of Network Coding with Diversity to Opportunistic Scheduling," IET Communications Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Computing, Shanghai, China, December 2009

Journal Editor

- ACM Computing Survey (2009-now)

- Journal of Sensor Networks (2005-now)

- IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, Steering Committee Chairman (2020-2022) and Member (2014-2016)

- IEEE Trans. on Communications (1997-2011)

- IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications (2001-2009)

- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: Wireless Series (1999-2001)

- Guest editor: IEEE Wireless Communications, 2007

- Guest editor: Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2005

- Guest editor: Journal on Special Topics in Mobile Networking and Application (MONET), 2003

- Guest editor: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1997

Current Research Interests

- Machine learning, AI, distributed optimization and stochastic modeling.

- Wireless communications: resource allocation, power control, MIMO/beamforming antennas, cross-layer designs, MAC, wireless TCP/IP, QoS, network protocols, and sensor, vehicular, ad-hoc and mesh networks.

- Wireless technologies: 6G cellular networks, and IEEE 802.11 and 802.16 networks.

- Communication networks: TCP/IP, mobility management, real-time applications, network control protocols, traffic modeling.

- Distributed quantum computing and networks: circuit partitioning, workload distribution, qubit connectivity and quantum networks.

Funded Research Projects

Ongoing Projects

-  EPSRC TITAN Com Hub: Network of Networks

-  EPSRC HASC Com Hub: Hub on All-Spectrum Connectivity

-  DCIT: Centre for Defence Communications & Information Technology

- DQC & App (2022-2026): Develop novel technologies for distributed quantum computing and its applications. Funded by EPSRC. Collaboration between Imperial College and University College London (UCL).

- DAIS-ITA: Study theoretical foundation of distributed communication and computing infrastructure. Funded by UK MoD and U.S. Army. Collaboration with Univ. of Massachusetts, IBM Research, Yale University, and U.S. Army Research Lab.

Completed Projects

- UDRC3: University Defence Research Collaboration in Signal Processing (Electromagnetic Environment), sponsored by Dstl.

- RCSD Localization – Phase 2: Advanced signal processing techniques for underwater object detection and localization, sponsored by UK MoD.

- IBM/ITA (2006-2016): Study theoretical foundation of designs and protocols for wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks. Funded by U.S. Army and U.K. MoD. Collaboration with Univ. of Massachusetts, IBM Research, and U.S. Army Research Lab.

- UDRC: University Defence Research Centre in Signal Processing (Phase 1 Follow-On Work), sponsored by Dstl.

- Dstl Ph.D. Scheme: Study of stochastic models and cross-layer protocol optimization for vehicular ad-hoc networks, sponsored by UK Defence Science and Technology Lab (Dstl).

- SmartEN: Use of wireless sensor networks for sustained environments such as monitoring of bridges, transport systems, climate, and heritage structures. Collaboration with Civil Engineering at Imperial College and Cyprus Univ of Technology.

- MESSAGE: Use wireless sensors mounted on vehicles to sense pollution. Collaboration with Civil Engineering at Imperial College

- WINES: Wireless sensor networks for monitoring of tunnels, bridges and water systems. Collaboration with Civil Engineering at Imperial College and Cambridge University.

- M-VCE: Mobile VCE is a collaborative partnership engaged in industrially-led, long-term research in Mobile and Personal Communications.

- MEMBRANE: Multi-hop wireless backhaul networks using advanced MIMO and networking techniques.

- PULSERS: Cross-layer protocol optimization for wireless ad-hoc networks using ultra-wide band (UWB) technique.

Edited Books

- Wireless Mesh Networks: Architectures, Protocols, Services, and Applications, E. Hossain and K. K. Leung (Eds.), Springer, MA (2007)

- Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic for Wireless Communications: Volume 3, K.K. Leung and B. Vojcic (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1999)

Selected Papers by Year


1.     F. Burt, K.-C. Chen and K.K. Leung, “Generalised Circuit Partitioning for Distributed Quantum Computing,” submitted for publication.

2.     Z. Lin, G. Qu, W. Wei, X. Chen and K.K. Leung, “Adaptsfl: Adaptive Split Federated Learning in Resource-Constrained Edge Networks,” submitted for publication,  arXiv:2403.13101

3.     H. Wang, C.H. Liu, H. Yang, G. Wang, and K.K. Leung, “Ensuring Threshold AoI for UAV-Assisted Mobile Crowdsensing by Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning with Transformer,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp.566-581, Feb. 2024.


4.     F. Zafari, P. Basu, K.K. Leung, J. Li, D. Towsley, and A. Swami, “Resource Sharing in the Edge: A Distributed Bargaining-Theoretic Approach,” IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp.4369-4382, Dec. 2023.

5.     Y. Jiang, S. Wang, V. Valls, B.-J. Ko, W.-H. Lee, K.K. Leung, and L. Tassiulas, “Model Pruning Enables Efficient Federated Learning on Edge Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 34, No. 12, pp.10374-10386, Dec. 2023.

6.     Z. Chen, K.K. Leung, S. Wang, L. Tassiulas, K. Chan and P. Baker, “Learning Technique to Solve Periodic Markov Decision Process for Network Resource Allocation,” presented at IEEE MILCOM, Boston, Nov. 2023.

7.     Z. Chen, K.K. Leung, S. Wang, L. Tassiulas, K. Chan and P. Baker, “Reinforcement Learning for Resource Allocation with Periodic Traffic Patterns,” presented at IEEE ICC 2023, 5th International Workshop on Data Driven Intelligence for Networks and Systems (DDINS), Italy, May 2023.

8.     Z. Chen, K.K. Leung, S. Wang, L. Tassiulas, K. Chan and D. Towsley, “Use Coupled LSTM Networks to Solve Constrained Optimization Problems,” IEEE Trans. on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 304-316, April 2023.

9.     Z. Dai, C.H. Liu, R. Han, G. Wang, K.K. Leung and J. Tang, “Delay-Sensitive Energy-Efficient UAV Crowdsensing by Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 2038-2052, April 2023.


  1. N.K. Panigrahy, T. Vasantam, P. Basu, D. Towsley, A. Swami, K.K. Leung, “On the Analysis and Evaluation of Proximity Based Load Balancing Policies,” ACM Trans. on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, Vol. 7, Issue 2-4, pp. 1-27, Nov. 2022.
  2. A. Gkelias and K.K. Leung, “GAN-Based Detection of Adversarial EM Signal Waveforms,” presented at IEEE MILCOM 2022, Washington D.C., Nov. 2022.
  3. K.K. Leung, P. Baker, A. Gkelias, Z. Chen, L. Fowkes, and O. Worthington, “Resource Management in Software Defined (SD) Slices,” presented at MilCIS2022, Australia.


  1. S. Wang, T. Tuor, and K.K. Leung, “Optimized Federated Learning in Wireless Networks with Constrained Resources,” in Machine Learning and Wireless Communications, Y. Eldar, A. Goldsmith, D. Gunduz, and H.V. Poor (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2021.
  2. Y. Dai, Y.L. Guan, K.K. Leung and Y. Zhang, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for Low-latency Edge Computing in 6G,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 28, Issue 6, pp. 72-79, Dec 2021.
  3. Z. Chen, K.K. Leung, S. Wang, L. Tassiulas and K. Chan, “Robust Solutions to Constrained Optimization Problems by LSTM Networks,” presented at IEEE MILCOM 2021.
  4. A. Gkelias, N.K. Panigraphy, M. Mobayenjarihani, K.K. Leung, D. Towsley, P.J. Baker, O. Worthington, and L. Fowkes, “Resource Management in Software Defined Coalitions (SDC) Through Slicing,” presented at IEEE MILCOM 2021.
  5. P.J. Pritz, L. Ma and K.K. Leung, “Jointly-Trained State-Action Embedding for Efficient Reinforcement Learning,” accepted for presentation at CIKM, Nov 2021.
  6. Z. Dai, C.H. Liu, R. Han, G. Wang, K.K. Leung and J. Tang, “Delay-Sensitive Energy-Efficient UAV Crowdsensing by Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, early access, Sept 2021.
  7. Z. Zhang, L. Ma, K.K. Leung, and F. Le, “More Is Not Always Better: An Analytical Study of Controller Synchronizations in Distributed SDN,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 1580-1590, August 2021.
  8. Q. Zeng, Y. Du, K. Huang and K.K. Leung “Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Federated Edge Learning with CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, June 2021.
  9. Z. Zhang, A. Mudgerikar, A. Singla, K.K. Leung, E. Bertino, D. Verma, K. Chan and J. Melrose and J. Tucker, “Reinforcement and Transfer Learning for Distributed Analytics in Fragmented Software Defined Coalitions,” presented at SPIE Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III, April 2021.
  10. C.H. Liu, C. Piao, X. Ma, Y. Yuan, J. Tang, G. Wang and K.K. Leung, “Modeling Citywide Crowd Flows Using Attentive Convolutional LSTM,” presented at IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp. 217-228, April 2021.
  11. T. Tuor, S. Wang, B.J. Ko, C. Liu and K.K. Leung, “Overcoming Noisy and Irrelevant Data in Federated Learning,” presented at the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), January 2021.


  1. F. Zafari, K.K. Leung, D. Towsley, P. Basu, A. Swami and J. Li, “Let’s Share: A Game-Theoretic Framework for Resource Sharing in Mobile Edge Clouds,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 2107-2122, Dec 2020.
  2. N.K. Panigraphy, P. Basu, D. Towsley, A. Swami and K.K. Leung, “On the Analysis of Spatially Constrained Power of Two Choice Policies,” ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 48, Issue 3, pp. 51- 56, Dec 2020.
  3. Z. Zhang, L. Ma, K.K. Leung, K. Poularakis, and M. Srivatsa, “State Action Separable Reinforcement Learning,” presented at IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Dec 2020.
  4. N.K. Panigraphy, P. Basu, P. Nain, D. Towsley, A. Swami, K.S. Chan and K.K. Leung, “Resource Allocation in One-Dimensional Distributed Service Networks with Applications,” Performance Evaluation, Vol. 142, pp. 102-110, Sept 2020.
  5. P. Pritz, D. Perez and K.K. Leung, “Fast-Fourier-Forecasting Resource Utilisation in Distributed Systems,” presented at International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), August 2020.
  6. Q. Qin, K. Poularakis, K.K. Leung and L. Tassiulas, “Line-Speed and Scalable Intrusioin Detection at the Network Edge via Federated Learning,” presented at IFIP Networking Conference, pp. 352-360, June 2020.
  7. Q. Zeng, Y. Du, K. Huang, and K.K. Leung, “Energy-efficient Radio Resource Allocation for Federated Edge Learning,” presented at IEEE ICC Workshops, June 2020.
  8. P. Han, S. Wang, and K.K. Leung, “Capacity Analysis of Distributed Computing Systems with Multiple Resource Types,” presented at IEEE WCNC, May 2020.
  9. C.H. Liu, Y. Zhao, Z. Dai, Y. Yuan, G. Wang, D. Wu, and K.K. Leung, “Curiosity-Driven Energy-Efficient Worker Scheduling in Vehicular Crowdsourcing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,” presented at IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), April 2020.


  1. S. Nazemi, K.K. Leung and A. Swami, “Distributed Optimisation Framework for In-network Data Processing,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 2432-2443, Dec. 2019.
  2. T. Shanmukhappa, I. W.-H. Ho, C.K. Tse, and K.K. Leung, “Recent Development in Public Transport Network Analysis from the Complex Network Perspective,”IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 39-65, Fourth Quarter 2019.
  3. Z. Zhang, L. Ma, K Poularakis, K.K. Leung, J. Tucker and A. Swami, “MACS: Deep Reinforcement Learning based SDN Controller Synchronization Policy Design,” IEEE ICNP, Illinois, USA, October 2019.
  4. N.F. Panigraphy, P. Basu, P. Nain, D. Towsley, A. Swami, K.S. Chan and K.K. Leung, “Resource Allocation in One-Dimension Distributed Service Networks,” presented at IEEE MASCOTS, Rennes, France, October 2019.
  5. F. Zafari, K.K. Leung, D. Towsley, P. Basu and A. Swami, “A Game-Theoretic Framework for Resource Sharing in Clouds,” presented at the IFIP WMNC, Paris, France, Sept. 2019.
  6. W.-H. Lee, B.J. Ko, S. Wang, C. Liu and K.K. Leung, “Exact Incremental and Decremental Learning for LS-SVM,” presented at IEEE ICIP, Taiwan, Sept. 2019.
  7. C.H. Liu, Z. Dai, Y. Zhao, J. Crowcroft, D.O. Wu and K.K. Leung, “Distributed and Energy-Efficient Mobile Crowdsensing with Charging Stations by Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Aug. 2019.
  8. F. Zafari, A. Gkelias and K.K. Leung, “A Survey of Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 2568-2599, Third Quarter 2019.
  9. S. Wang, T. Tuor, T. Salonidis, K.K. Leung, C. Makaya, T. He and K. Chan, “Adaptive Federated Learning in Resource Constrained Edge Computing Systems,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 1205-1221, 2019.
  10. Z. Zhang, L. Ma, K.K. Leung, F. Le, S. Kompella and L. Tassiulas, “How Advantageous Is It? An Analytical Study of Controller-Assisted Path Construction in Distributed SDN,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 1643-1656, July 2019
  11. T. Tuor, S. Wang, K.K. Leung and B.J. Ko, “Online Collection and Forecasting of Resource Utilization in Large-Scale Distributed Systems,” presented at the IEEE ICDCS, Texas, USA, July 2019.
  12. S. Wang, R. Urgaonkar, M. Zafer, T. He, K. Chan and K.K. Leung, “Dynamic Service Migration in Mobile Edge Computing Based on Markov Decision Process,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 1272-1288, June 2019.
  13. K. Poularakis, Q. Qin, K.M. Marcus, K.S. Chan, K.K. Leung and L. Tassiulas, “Hybrid SDN Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), Washington D.C., USA, June 2019.
  14. D. Conway-Jones, T. Tuor, S. Wang and K.K. Leung, “Demonstration of Federated Learning in a Resource-Constrained Networked Environment,” IEEE Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), Washington D.C., USA, June 2019.
  15. Z. Zhang, L. Ma, K. Poularaki, K.K. Leung and L. Wu, “DQ Scheduler: Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Controller Synchronization in Distributed SDN,” presented at IEEE ICC 2019, Shanghai, China, May 2019 (Best Paper Award).
  16. K. Poularakis, Q. Qin, L. Ma, S. Kompella, K.K. Leung and L. Tassiulas, “Learning the Optimal Synchronization Rates in Distributed SDN Control Architectures,” presented at IEEE Infocom, Paris, France, April 2019.
  17. F. Zafari, J. Li, K.K. Leung, D. Towsley and A. Swami, “Optimal Energy Consumption for Communication, Computation, Caching and Quality Guarantee,” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, April 2019.
  18. N.K. Panigraphy, P. Basu, D. Towsley, A. Swami, K.S. Chan and K.K. Leung, “A Queueing-Theoretic Model for Resource Allocation in One-Dimensional Distributed Analytics Networks,” ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 27-29, January 2019.


  1. A. Machen, S. Wang, K.K. Leung, B.J. Ko and T. Salonidis, “Live Service Migration in Mobile Edge Clouds,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 25, pp. 140-147, 2018.
  2. F. Zafari, J. Li, K.K. Leung, D. Towsley and A. Swami, “Optimal Energy Tradeoff among Communication, Computation and Caching with QoI-Guarantee,” accepted for presentation at IEEE Globecom, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.
  3. F. Zafari, J. Li, K.K. Leung, D. Towsley and A. Swami, “A Game-Theoretic Approach to Multi-Objective Resource Sharing and Allocation in Mobile Edge Clouds,” accepted for presentation at MobiCom Workshop on Technologies for the Wireless Edge, India, November 2018.
  4. T. Tuor, S. Wang and K.K. Leung, “Distributed Machine Learning in Coalition Environments,” 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion), Cambridge, UK, July 2018.
  5. Z. Zhang, L. Ma, K.K. Leung, L. Tassiulas, and J. Tucker, “Q-Placement: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Service Placement in Software-Defined Networks,” presented at the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2018), Vienna, Austria, July 2018.
  6. N.K. Panigrahy, P. Basu, D. Towsley, A. Swami, K.S. Chan and K.K. Leung, “A Queueing-Theoretic Model for Resource Allocation in One-Dimensional Distributed Analytics Networks,” presented at Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA) in Conjunction with ACM Sigmetrics, Irvine, California, June 2018.
  7. S. Wang, T. Tuor, T. Salonidis, K.K. Leung, C. Makaya, T. He and K. Chan, “When Edge Meets Learning: Adaptive control for resource-constrained distributed machine learning,” presented at the IEEE Infocom, April 2018, Hawaii, USA.
  8. J. Li, F. Zafari, D. Towsley, K.K. Leung and A. Swami, “Joint Data Compression and Caching: Approaching Optimality with Guarantees,” presented at the 9th ACM/SPEC ICPE, Germany, April 2018.
  9. L. Ma, Z. Zhang, B.J. Ko, M. Srivatsa, and K.K. Leung, “Resource management in distributed SDN using reinforcement learning,” SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Image Conference, April 2018, Florida, USA.
  10. B.J. Ko, K.K. Leung and T. Salonidis, “Machine Learning for Dynamic Resource Allocation at Network Edge,” SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Image Conference, April 2018, Florida, USA.
  11. T. Tuor, S. Wang, K.K. Leung and B.J. Ko, “Understanding information leakage of distributed inference with deep nerual networks,” SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Image Conference, April 2018, Florida, USA.
  12. A. Machen, S. Wang, K.K. Leung, B.J. Ko and T. Salonidis, “Live Service Migration in Mobile Edge Clouds,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 25, pp. 140-147, Feb. 2018.


  1. C.H. Liu, J. Zhao, H. Zhang, S. Guo, K.K. Leung, and J. Crowcroft, “Energy-Efficient Event Detection by Participatory Sensing under Budget Constraints,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 4, pp. 2490-2501, Dec. 2017.
  2. C.H. Liu, B. Zhang, X. Su, J. Ma, W. Wang and K.K. Leung, “Energy-Aware Participant Selection for Smartphone-Enabled Mobile Crowd Sensing,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 1435-1446, Sept. 2017.
  3. C. Williams, E. Bertino, D. Verma, S. Calo, K.K. Leung and C. Dearlove, “Towards an Architecture for Policy-Based Management of Software Defined Coalitions,” presented at the IEEE DAIS Workshop (in Conjunction with IEEE Smart World Conference 2017), San Francisco, August 2017.
  4. T. He, A. Gkelias, L. Ma, K.K. Leung, A. Swami, and D. Towsley, “Robust and Efficient Monitor Placement for Network Tomography in Dynamic Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 1732-1745, June 2017.
  5. D. Verma, K. Chan, K.K. Leung and A. Gkelias, “Invocation Oriented Architecture for Agile Code and Agile Data,” Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 10190, id. 101900W (2017), Anaheim, CA, May 2017.
  6. G. Rossi and K.K. Leung, “Optimised CSMA/CA Protocol for Safety Messages in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks,” presented at the 22nd IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2017), Crete, Greece, July 2017.
  7. S. Wang, R. Urgaonkar, T. He, K. Chan, M. Zafer and K.K. Leung, “Dynamic service placement for mobile micro-clouds with predicted future costs,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1002-1016, Apr. 2017.
  8. G. Rossi and K.K. Leung, “Stable Clustering for Ad-Hoc Vehicle Networking,” presented at the IEEE WCNC, San Francisco, CA, March 2017.
  9. L. Ma, T. He, A. Swami, D. Towsley, and K.K. Leung, “Network Capability in Localizing Node Failures via End-to-end Path Measurements,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 434-450, Feb. 2017.
  10. S. Wang, M. Zafer, and K.K. Leung, “Online Placement of Multi-Component Applications in Edge Computing Environments,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 2514-2533, Feb. 2017.


  1. S. Wang R. Urgaonkar, T. He, K. Chan, M. Zafer, and K.K. Leung, “Dynamic service placement for mobile micro-clouds with predicted future costs,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Aug. 2016.
  2. L. Ma, T. He, A. Swami, D. Towsley, and K.K. Leung, "Network Capability in Localizing Node Failures via End-to-end Path Measurements," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-17, 2016.
  3. C. H. Liu, J. Zhao, H. Zhang, S Guo, K.K. Leung, and J. Crowcroft, "Energy-Efficient Event Detection by Participatory Sensing under Budget Constraints," IEEE Systems Journal, 2016.
  4. S. Nazemi Gelyan, K.K. Leung and A. Swami, “'QoI-aware Tradeoff Between Communication and Computation in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks,” presented at the IEEE PIMRC, Valencia, Spain, September 2016.
  5. P. Xu, K. Cumanan, Z. Ding, X. Dai and K.K. Leung, “Group Secret Key Generation in Wireless Networks: Algorithms and Rate Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 11, No.8, Aug. 2016, pp. 1831-1846.
  6. W. Wang, H. Gao, C.H. Liu, and K.K. Leung, "Credible and Energy-Aware Participant Selection with Limited Task Budget for Mobile Crowd Sensing," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 43, June 2016, pp. 56–70.
  7. O. Yurur, C.H. Liu, Z. Sheng, V.C.M. Leung, W. Moreno, and K.K. Leung, “Context-Awareness for Mobile Sensing: A Survey and Future Directions,” IEEE Communication Surveys & Tutorials, Vol. 18, No. 1, First Quarter 2016, pp. 68-93.
  8. A. Gkelias, L. Ma, T. He, K.K. Leung, A. Swami and D. Towsley, “Robust Monitor Placement for Network Tomography in Dynamic Networks,” presented at the IEEE INFOCOM, San Francisco, California, April 2016.
  9. S. Nazemi Gelyan, K.K. Leung and A. Swami, “Optimization Framework with Reduced Complexity for Sensor Networks with In-Network Processing,” presented at the IEEE WCNC, Doha, Qatar, April 2016.


  1. L. Ma, T. He, A. Swami, D. Towsley and K.K. Leung, "On Optimal Monitor Placement for Localizing Node Failures via Network Tomography," presented at the IFIP WG 7.3 Performance, Sydney, Australia, October 2015.
  2. S. Wang, K.S. Chan, R. Urgaonkar, T. He and K.K. Leung, “Emulation-Based Study of Dynamic Service Placement in Mobile Micro-Clouds,” presented at the MILCOM 2015, Tampa, Florida, October 2015.
  3. C. H. Liu, J. Fan, P. Hui, J. Wu and K.K. Leung, “Towards QoI and Energy-Efficiency in Participatory Crowdsourcing,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 64, No. 10, pp.4684-4700, October 2015.
  4. R. Urgaonkar, S. Wang, T. He, M. Zafer, K. Chan, and K.K. Leung “Dynamic service Migration and Workload Scheduling in Edge-Clouds,” presented at IFIP WG 7.3 Performance 2015, Sydney, Australia, October 2015.
  5. R. Urgaonkar, S. Wang, T. He, M. Zafer, K. Chan, and K.K. Leung, “Dynamic Service Migration and Workload Scheduling in Edge-Clouds,” Performance Evaluation, Vol. 91, pp. 205-228, Sept. 2015.
  6. L. Ma, T. He, A. Swami, D. Towsley and K.K. Leung, “On Optimal Monitor Placement for Localizing Node Failures via Network Tomography,” Performance Evaluation, Vol. 91, pp. 16-37, Sept. 2015.
  7. K. Cong and K.K. Leung, “Classification and Prediction Techniques for Localization in IEEE 802.11 Networks, Trends in Digital Signal Processing – A Festschrift in Honour of Tony Constantinides, Vol. 1, Chapter 17, H.K. Kwan, Y.C. Lim and W.C. Siu (Eds.), Pan Stanford Publishing Ltd., 2015.
  8. K. Cong and K.K. Leung, "Localization Accuracy of Classification Techniques for Wi-Fi Environments," presented at the 20th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Singapore, July 2015.
  9. C. H. Liu, B. Zhang, X. Su, J. Ma, W. Wang and K.K. Leung, “Energy-Aware Participant Selection for Smartphone-Enabled Mobile Crowd Sensing,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. PP, Issue 99, pp. 1-12, June 2015.
  10. H. Gao, C.H. Liu, W. Wang, J. Zhao, Z. Song, X. Su, J. Crowcroft and K.K. Leung, “A Survey of Incentive Mechanisms for Participatory Sensing,” IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 918-943, Second Quarter 2015.
  11. J. Zhao, C.H. Liu, M. Chen, X. Liu and K.K. Leung, “Energy-Efficient Dynamic Event Detection by Participatory Sensing,” presented at the IEEE ICC, London, U.K., June 2015.
  12. S. Wang, R. Urgaonkar, K. Chan, T. He and K.K. Leung, “Dynamic Service Placement for Mobile Micro-Clouds with Predicted Future Costs,” presented at the IEEE ICC, London, U.K., June 2015.
  13. G. Rossi, K.K. Leung and A. Gkelias, “Density-Based Optimal Transmission for Throughput Enhancement in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks,” presented at the IEEE ICC, London, U.K., June 2015.
  14. S. Wang, R. Urgaonkar, M. Zafer, T. He, K. Chan, and K.K. Leung, “Dynamic service migration in mobile edge-clouds,” presented at the IFIP Networking, Toulouse, France, May 2015.
  15. P. Xu, K. Cumanay, Z. Ding, X. Dai, K.K. Leung, “A Novel Group Key Generation Scheme in Wireless Networks,” presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Hong Kong, China, May 2015.
  16. G. Tychogiorgos, A. Gkelias and K.K. Leung, “Distributed Network Resource Allocation for Multi-Tiered Multimedia Applications,” presented at the 34th IEEE INFOCOM, Hong Kong, China, April 2015.
  17. H. Gao, C.H. Liu, W. Wang, J. Zhao, Z. Song, X. Su, J. Crowcroft and K.K. Leung, “A Survey of Incentive Mechanisms for Participatory Sensing,” IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 17, No.2, pp.918-943, Second Quarter 2015.
  18. Z. Sheng, J. Fan, C.H. Liu, V.C.M. Leung, X. Liu and K.K. Leung, "Energy Efficient Relay Selection for Cooperative Relaying in Wireless Multimedia Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp.1156-1170, March 2015.


  1. C.H. Liu, J. Fan, J.W. Branch and K.K. Leung, “Toward QoI and Energy-Efficiency in Internet-of-Things Sensory Environments,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 473-487, Dec. 2014.
  2. L. Ma, T. He, A. Swami, D. Towsley, K.K. Leung and J. Lowe, "Node Failure Localization via Network Tomography," to be presented at the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Vancouver, Canada, November 2014.
  3. S. Wang, R. Urgaonkar, T. He, M. Zafer, K.S. Chan and K.K. Leung, “Mobility-induced Service Migration in Mobile Micro-Clouds,” presented at the MILCOM Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2014.
  4. S. Yang, Z. Sheng, J. McCann and K.K. Leung, “Distributed Stochastic Cross-Layer Optimization for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Cooperative Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 2269-2282, October 2014.
  5. S. Nazemi Gelyan, K.K. Leung and A. Swami, “A Distributed, Energy-Efficient and QoI-Aware Framework for In-Network Processing,” presented at the IEEE PIMRC Conference, Washington, D.C., September 2014.
  6. L. Ma, T. He, K. K. Leung, A. Swami, and D. Towsley, "Inferring Link Metrics From End to end Path Measurements: Identifiability and Monitor Placement," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol.22, no.4, pp.1351-1368, August 2014.
  7. L. Ma, T. He, K.K. Leung, A. Swami, and D. Towsley, "Monitor Placement for Maximal Identifiability in Network Tomography," presented at the IEEE INFOCOM, Toronto, Canada, 2014.
  8. Y. Alayev, F. Chen, Y. Hou, M.P. Johnson, A. Bar-Noy, T.F. LaPorta and K.K. Leung, “Throughput Maximization in Mobile WSN Scheduling with Power Control and Rate Selection,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 4066-4079, July 2014.
  9. G. Tychogiorgos and K.K. Leung, “Optimization-based Resource Allocation in Communication networks,” Computer Networks, Vol. 66, pp. 32-45, June 2014.
  10. Z. Ding, K.K. Leung and H.V. Poor, “Interference Masking for Secure Wireless Broadcast Communications,” IET Proceedings on Communications, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 1184-1197, May 2014.
  11. K. Cumanan, Z. Ding, B. Sharif, G.Y. Tian and K.K. Leung, “Secrecy Rate Optimizations for a MIMO Secrecy Channel with a Multiple-Antenna Eavesdropper,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 1678-1690, May 2014.
  12. C. H. Liu, K.K. Leung and A. Gkelias, “A Generic Admission-Control Methodology for Packet Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.604-617, February 2014.
  13. P. Xu, Z. Ding, X. Dai and K.K. Leung, “A General Framework of Wiretap Channel with Helping Interference and State Information,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 182-195, February 2014.


  1. Z. Sheng, S. Yang, Y. Yu, A.V. Vasilakos, J.A. McCann and K.K. Leung, “A Survey on the IETF Protocol Suite for the Internet-of-Things: Standards, Challenges and Opportunities,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 91-98, December 2013.
  2. J. Skulic, A. Gkelias and K.K. Leung, "Delay Analysis of Network Coding in Linear Wireless Sensor Network," presented at the IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensor (ICWISE) 2013, Malaysia, December 2 to 3, 2013.
  3. Z. Sheng, S. Yang, Y. Yu, A.V. Vasilakos, J.A. McCann and K.K. Leung, “A Survey on the IETF Protocol Suite for the Internet-of-Things: Standards, Challenges and Opportunities,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 91-98, December 2013.
  4. L. Ma, T. He, K.K. Leung, A. Swami, and D. Towsley, "Link Identifiability in Communication Networks with Two Monitors," presented at the IEEE Globecom, Atlanta, U.S.A., December 2013.
  5. S. Wang, L. Le, N. Zahariev, and K. K. Leung, "Centralized rate control mechanism for cellular-based vehicular networks," presented at the IEEE Globecom, Atlanta, U.S.A., December 2013.
  6. C. H. Liu, J. Fan, Z. Sheng, X. Fan and K.K. Leung, “Towards Energy-Efficiency in Selfish, Cooperative Networks,” Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.535-552, August 2013.
  7. S. Yang, Z. Sheng, J. McCann, and K.K. Leung, "Distributed Cross-layer Optimization in Stochastic Multi-hop Wireless Networks with Cooperative Communications," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2013.
  8. L. Ma, T. He, K.K. Leung, A. Swami and D. Towsley, "Identifiability of Link Metrics Based on End to end Path Measurements," presented at the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Barcelona, Spain, October 2013.
  9. G. Tychogiorgos, A. Gkelias and K.K. Leung, “A Non-Convex Distributed Optimization Framework and its Application to Wireless Ad-hoc Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 12, pp. 4286 – 4296, September 2013.
  10. J. Skulic, A. Gkelias and K.K. Leung, “Node Placement in Linear Wireless Sensor Networks,” presented at the 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Marrakech, Morocco, September 9 to 13, 2013.
  11. E. Karseras, K.K. Leung and W. Dai, “Tracking dynamic sparse signals using hierarchical Bayesian Kalman filters”, presented at the 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Marrakech, Morocco, September 9 to 13, 2013.
  12. L. Ma, T. He, K.K. Leung, D. Towsley and A. Swami, "Efficient Identification of Additive Link Metrics via Network Tomography," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Philadelphia, U.S.A., July 2013 (Best Paper Award).
  13. G. V. Rossi and K.K. Leung, "Performance Tradeoffs by Power Control in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks," presented at the 9th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Cagliari, Italy, July 2013.
  14. E. Karseras, K.K. Leung and W. Dai, “Tracking Dynamic Sparse Signals with Kalman Filters: Framework and Improved Inference,” presented at the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Bremen, Germany, July 2013.
  15. E. Karseras, K.K. Leung and W. Dai, “Bayesian compressed sensing: improved inference,” presented at the IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP), Beijing, China, June 2013.
  16. E. Karseras, K.K. Leung and W. Dai, "Tracking dynamic sparse signals using hierarchical Bayesian Kalman filters," presented at the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.


  1. Z. Ding, K.K. Leung, D.L. Goeckel and D. Towsley, "On the Application of Cooperative Transmission to Secrecy Communications," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 359-368, February 2012.
  2. E. Liu, Qinqing Zhang, and K.K. Leung, "Relay-Assisted Transmission with Fairness Constraint for Cellular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 11, No. 2, February 2012.
  3. Z. Sheng, B.J. Ko and K.K. Leung, “Power Efficient Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Relaying,” IEEE Wireless Communication Letter, October, 2012.
  4. G. Tychogiorgos, A. Gkelias and K.K. Leung, "Utility-Proportional Fairness in Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE PIMRC, Sydney, Australia, September 2012 (Best Student Paper Award).
  5. C. Capar, D.L. Goeckel, C.Y. Leow, K.K. Leung, and D. Towsley, "Network coding for facilitating secrecy in large wireless networks," presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA 2012), September 17-21, 2012, Southampton, UK.
  6. G. Tychogiorgos and C. Bisdikian, "On the Selection of Spatiotemporally Relevant Sensory Providers," presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA 2012), September 17-21, 2012, Southampton, UK.
  7. L. Ma, T. He, K.K. Leung, D. Towsley, and A. Swami, "Topological Constraints on Identifying Additive Link Metrics via End to end Paths Measurements," presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA 2012), September 17-21, 2012, Southampton, UK.


  1. E. Liu, Q. Zhang and K.K. Leung, "Asymptotic Analysis of Proportionally Fair Scheduling in Rayleigh Fading," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2011.
  2. E. Liu, Q. Zhang and K.K. Leung, "Relay-Assisted Transmission with Fairness Constraint for Cellular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2011.
  3. N. Sofra, A. Gkelias, K. K. Leung, "Route Construction for Long Lifetime in VANETs," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2011.
  4. L. Ma, T. He, A. Swami, K. W. Lee and K. K. Leung, "Switch-and-Navigate: Controlling Data Ferry Mobility for Delay-Bounded Messages," presented at the IEEE MILCOM, 2011, Nov. 7-10, 2011.
  5. E. Liu, Q. Zhang and K.K. Leung, "Clique-Based Utility Maximization in Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 948-957, March 2011.
  6. Z. Sheng, Z. Ding and K. K. Leung, " Cooperative Wireless Networks: From Radio to Network Protocol Designs", IEEE Communication Magazine: Advances in Cooperative Wireless Networking, May 2011.
  7. Z. Ding, Z. Ma and K.K. Leung, "Impact of Network Coding on System Delay for Multi-source Multi-destination Scenarios," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology.
  8. Z. Ding, I. Krikidis, J. Thompson and K.K. Leung, "Physical Layer Network Coding and Precoding for the Two-Way Relay Channel in Cellular Systems," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 59, No. 2, February 2011, pp. 696-712.
  9. I. W. H. Ho, K.K. Leung and J.W. Polak, "Stochastic Model and Connectivity Dynamics for VANETs in Signalized Road Systems," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2011, pp. 195-208.
  10. C. Y. Leow, Z. Ding, K.K. Leung and D.L. Goekel, "On the Study of Analogue Network Coding for Multi-Pair, Bidirectional Relay Channels," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 10, No. 2, February 2011, pp. 670-681.


  1. Z. Ding, K. K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, "A Relay Assisted Cooperative Transmission Protocol for Wireless Multiple Access Systems," IEEE Trans. on Communications, 2010.
  2. Y. Liu and K. K. Leung, "Expected Throughput of the Proportional Fair Scheduling over Rayleigh Fading Channels," IEEE Communications Letters, 2010.
  3. M. O. Díaz and K. K. Leung, "A test-based scheduling protocol (TBSP) for periodic data gathering in wireless sensor networks," presented at the International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications, September 2010.
  4. A. Bachir, M. Dohler, T. Watteyne, and K. K. Leung, "MAC Essentials for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1-27, April 2010.
  5. I. W. H. Ho, R. J. North, J. W. Polak, and K. K. Leung, "Impact of Transport Models on Connectivity of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks," presented at the World Conference on Transport Research, July 2010.
  6. C. H. Liu, C. Bisdikian, J. Branch, and K. K. Leung, "Quality of information aware Wireless Sensor Network Management for Multi-Task Operations," presented at the IEEE SECON 2010, June 2010.
  7. T. He, N. Sofra, K. W. Lee, and K. K. Leung, "Utility-Based Gateway Deployment for Supporting Multi-Domain DTNs," presented at the IEEE SECON 2010, June 2010.
  8. F. Theoleyre, A. Bachir, N. Chakchouk, A. Duda, and K. K. Leung, "Energy Efficient Network Structure for Synchronous Preamble Sampling in Wireless Sensor Networks," presented at the IEEE ICC 2010, May 2010.
  9. E. Liu, Q. Zhang, and K. K. Leung, "An Upper Bound of Node Density in Cooperative Networks with Selfish Behaviour," presented at the IEEE ICC 2010, May 2010.
  10. Z. Ding, K. K. Leung, D. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, "On the Application of Cooperative Transmission to Wireless Broadcast Channels," presented at the IEEE ICC 2010, May 2010.
  11. Z. Ding, Z. Ma, and K. K. Leung, "Impact of Network Coding on System Delay for Multi-source Multi-destination Scenarios," presented at the IEEE ICC 2010, May 2010.
  12. E. Liu, Q. Zhang, and K. K. Leung, "Residual Energy-Aware Cooperative Transmission (REACT) in Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE WOCC 2010, May 2010.
  13. Z. Sheng, Z. Ding, and K. K. Leung, "Transmission Capacity of Decode-and-Forward Cooperation in Overlaid Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE ICC 2010, May 2010.
  14. C. H. Liu, T. He, K. W. Lee, K. K. Leung, and A. Swami, "Dynamic Control of Data Ferries under Partial Observations," presented at the IEEE WCNC 2010, April 2010.
  15. A. Bachir, F. Theoleyre, K. K. Leung, and A. Duda, "Energy-Efficient Broadcasts in Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Virtual Channels," presented at the IEEE WCNC 2010, April 2010.
  16. M. O. Díaz and K. K. Leung, "Randomized scheduling algorithm for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks," presented at the IEEE European Wireless 2010, April 2010.
  17. Z. Sheng, B. J. Ko, A. Swami, K.-W. Lee, and K. K. Leung, "Power Efficiency of Decode-And-Forward Cooperative Relaying," presented at the IEEE Milcom 2010.
  18. Z. Sheng, Z. Ding, and K. K. Leung, "Error Performance Bounds for Routing Algorithms in Wireless Cooperative Networks," presented at the Chinacom 2010.
  19. E. Liu, Q. Zhang, and K. K. Leung, "Connectivity in Selfish, Cooperative Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 936-938, Oct. 2010.
  20. E. Liu, Q. Zhang and K.K. Leung, "Proportionally Fair Selective Cooperation for Cellular Networks: Algorithm, Simulation and Analysis," presented at the ICST QShine 2010, Nov. 2010. Invited paper.
  21. C. Y. Leow, Z. Ding, K. K. Leung, and D. L. Goeckel, "Analogue network coding for multi-pair, bidirectional relay channels," presented at the Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD 2010), September 29-30, 2010.


  1. Y. Hou and K. K. Leung, "A Distributed Scheduling Framework for Multi-user Diversity Gain and Quality of Service in Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 5904-5915, December 2009.
  2. S. Zhu, K.K. Leung and A.G. Constantinides, "Distributed cooperative two-way data relaying for impulse-based UWB ad-hoc networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2009.
  3. C. H. Liu, K. K. Leung, and A. Gkelias, "Route Capacity Estimation Based Admission Control and QoS Routing for Mesh Networks," presented at the IEEE Globecom 2009, December 2009.
  4. Z. Sheng, Z. Ding, and K. K. Leung, "Transmission Delay Analysis with Finite Coding Length in Wireless Cooperative Networks," presented at the IEEE Globecom 2009, December 2009.
  5. Z. Ding, K. K. Leung, and M. Peng, "On the combination of network coding with diversity and opportunistic scheduling," presented at the IET Communications Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Computing 2009, December 2009 (Best Paper Award).
  6. E. Liu and K. K. Leung, "Throughput of Proportional Fair Scheduling over Rayleigh Fading Channels," Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 23, pp. 1180-1182, November 2009.
  7. M. O. Díaz and K. K. Leung, "Efficient Data Aggregation and Transport in Wireless Sensor Networks," Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2009.
  8. C. H. Liu, A. Gkelias, Y. Hou, and K. K. Leung, "Cross-Layer Design for QoS in Wireless Mesh Networks," Springer Wireless Personal Communications, Special Issue on Cross-Layer Design for Future Generation Networks, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 593-613, December 2009.
  9. I. W. H. Ho, K. K. Leung, and J. W. Polak, "Stochastic Traffic and Connectivity Dynamics for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks in Signalized Road Systems," presented at the IEEE LCN 2009, October 2009.
  10. I. W. H. Ho, K. K. Leung, and J. W. Polak, "Optimal Transmission Probabilities in VANETs with Inhomogeneous Node Distribution," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2009, September 2009.
  11. A. Gkelias, K. K. Leung, and C. Ling, "The Effect of Wireless Channel on Network Coding Opportunities," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2009, September 2009.
  12. Z. Sheng, D. L. Goeckel, K. K. Leung, and Z. Ding, "A Stochastic Geometry Approach to Transmission Capacity in Wireless Cooperative Networks," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2009, September 2009.
  13. I. W.H. Ho, K. K. Leung, and J. W. Polak, "Connectivity Dynamics for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks in Signalized Road Systems," presented at the International Teletraffic Congress 2009, September 2009.
  14. S. Zhu, K. K. Leung, and A. G. Constantinides, "Distributed Cooperative Data Relaying for Diversity in Impulse-based UWB Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol.8, no. 8, pp. 4037-4047, August 2009.
  15. P. Mazurkiewicz and K. K. Leung, "Performance of angle-and-range-based localization of wireless sensors," presented at the IEEE PacRim 2009, August 2009.
  16. Z. Ding, K. K. Leung, D. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, "Application of Joint Source-Relay Scheduling to Cooperative Multiple Access Channels," presented at the IEEE ISIT 2009, July 2009.
  17. C. Y. Leow, Z. Ding, and K. Leung, "Linear Precoded Cooperative Transmission Protocol for Wireless Broadcast Channels," presented at the IEEE ISIT 2009, July 2009.
  18. E. Liu, Q. Zhang, and K. K. Leung, "Theoretical Analysis of Selective Relaying, Cooperative Multi-Hop Networks with Fairness Constraints," presented at the IEEE ICC 2009, June 2009.
  19. E. Liu, Q. Zhang, and K. K. Leung, "Resource Allocation for Frequency-Selective Fading, Multi-Carrier Systems with Fairness Constraints," presented at the IEEE ICC 2009, June 2009.
  20. Z. Sheng, Z. Ding, and K. K. Leung, "Interference Subtraction with Supplementary Cooperation in Wireless Cooperative Networks," presented at the IEEE ICC 2009, June 2009.
  21. Z. Sheng, Z. Ding, and K. K. Leung, "Distributed and Power Efficient Routing in Wireless Cooperative Networks," presented at the IEEE ICC 2009, June 2009.
  22. N. Sofra, A. Gkelias, and K. K. Leung, "Link Residual-Time Estimation for VANET Cross-Layer Design," presented at the IEEE IWCLD 2009, June 2009.
  23. E. Liu, Q. Zhang, and K. K. Leung, "Clique-Based Utility Maximization in Wireless Mesh Networks-Algorithm, Simulation, and Mathematical Analysis," presented at the IEEE SECON Workshop 2009, June 2009 (invited paper).
  24. M. Yu and K. K. Leung, "A Trustworthiness-based QoS Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1888-1898, April 2009.
  25. C. H. Liu, K. K. Leung, C. Bisdikian, and J. Branch, "A New Approach to Architecture of Sensor Networks for Mission-Oriented Applications," presented at the SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2009, April 2009.
  26. N. Sofra and K. K. Leung, "Link Classification and Residual Time Estimation Through Adaptive Modeling for VANETs," presented at the IEEE VTC-Spring 2009, April 2009.
  27. C. H. Liu, S. G. Colombo, A. Gkelias, E. Liu, and K. K. Leung, "An Efficient Cross-Layer Simulation Architecture for Wireless Mesh Networks," presented at the IEEE UKSIM 2009, March 2009.
  28. Z. Ding, K. K. Leung, D. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, "On the Study of Network Coding with Diversity," in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1247-1259, March 2009.
  29. A. Bachir, M. Heusse, A. Duda, and K. K. Leung, "Preamble MAC Protocols with Persistent Receivers in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1091-1095, March 2009.
  30. S. Zhu, K. K. Leung, and A. G. Constantinides, "Impacts of Impulse-Based Ultra-Wideband Data Links on Cooperative Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," IET Communications, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 321-330, February 2009.


  1. E. Liu and K. K. Leung, "On Proportional Fair Scheduling in Multi-Antenna Wireless Mesh Networks—Theoretical Analysis," presented at the IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, November 2008.
  2. Z. Ding, T. Ratnarajah, and K. K. Leung, "On the Study of Network Coded AF Transmission Protocol for Wireless Multiple Access Channels," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 4568-4574, November 2008.
  3. N. Sofra, T. He, P. Zerfos, B. Ko, K. W. Lee, and K. K. Leung, "Accuracy Analysis of Data Aggregation for Network Monitoring," presented at the IEEE Milcom 2008, November 2008.
  4. Z. Ding, K. Leung, D. L. Goeckel, and D. Towsley, "A new form of network coded cooperative transmission protocol for multiple access channels," presented at the IEEE Milcom 2008, November 2008.
  5. C. H. Liu, A. Gkelias, Y. Hou, and K. K. Leung, "A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm with QoS Provisions in Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks," presented at the IEEE WiMob 2008, October 2008.
  6. E. Liu and K. K. Leung, "Fair Resource Allocation under Rayleigh and/or Rician Fading Environments," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2008, September 2008.
  7. Z. Ding and K. Leung, "Cross-layer Routing Optimization for Wireless Networks with Cooperative Diversity," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2008, September 2008.
  8. E. Liu and K. K. Leung, "On the Throughput Characteristics of Utility-based Fair Scheduling," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2008, September 2008.
  9. M. O. Díaz and K. K. Leung, "Dynamic data aggregation and transport in wireless sensor networks," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2008, September 2008.
  10. C. H. Liu, A. Gkelias, and K. K. Leung, "Connection Admission Control and Grade of Service for QoS Routing in Mesh Networks," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2008, September 2008.
  11. A. Gkelias and K. K. Leung, "A Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Network Coding," presented at the IEEE ISWCS 2009, September 2009.
  12. E. Liu and K. K. Leung, "Throughput Analysis of Opportunistic Scheduling under Rayleigh Fading Environment," presented at the IEEE VTC-Fall 2008, September 2008.
  13. P. Mazurkiewicz and K. K. Leung, "Clique-Based Localization Algorithm for Sparse Networks of Wireless Sensors," presented at the Military Communication and Information Systems Conference 2008, September 2008.
  14. P. Mazurkiewicz and K. K. Leung, "Clique-based Location Estimations for Wireless Sensors in GPS-free Environments," presented at the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks 2008, August 2008.
  15. C. H. Liu, A. Gkelias, and K. K. Leung, "A Cross-Layer Framework of QoS Routing and Distributed Scheduling for Mesh Networks," presented at the IEEE VTC-Spring 2008, May 2008.
  16. Z. Sheng, Z. Ding, K. K. Leung, "On the Design of a Quality-of-Service Driven Routing Protocol for Wireless Cooperative Networks," presented at the IEEE VTC-Spring 2008, May 2008.
  17. A. Gkelias, B. Federico, C. H. Liu, and K. K. Leung, "MIMO Routing with QoS Provisioning," presented at the IEEE ISWPC 2008, May 2008.
  18. Y. Hou, A. M. Kuzminskiy, F. Boccardi, K. Yu, and K. K. Leung, "A Cross-layer Study on Multiple-antenna Techniques in Wireless Backhaul Networks," presented at the IEEE ISWPC 2008, May 2008.
  19. Z. Ding, W. H. Chin, and K. K. Leung, "Distributed Beamforming and Power Allocation for Cooperative Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 1817-1822, May 2008.
  20. E. Liu and K. K. Leung, "Proportional Fair Scheduling: Analytical Insight under Rayleigh Fading Environment," presented at the IEEE WCNC 2008, March 2008.
  21. N. Sofra and K. K. Leung, "Estimation of Link Quality and Residual Time in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," presented at the IEEE WCNC 2008, March 2008.
  22. C. H. Liu, K. K. Leung, and A. Gkelias, "A Novel Cross-Layer QoS Routing Algorithm for Wireless Mesh Networks," presented at the IEEE ICOIN 2008, Busan, Korea, January 2008.
  23. G. Tichogiorgos, K. K. Leung, A. Misra, and T. LaPorta, "Distributed Network Utility Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Power Control," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2008, September 2008.
  24. I. W. H. Ho, B. J. Ko, M. Zafer, C. Bisdikian, K. K. Leung, "Cooperative Transmit-Power Estimation in MANETs," presented at the IEEE WCNC, March 2008.


  1. S. Zhu and K. K. Leung, "Distributed Cooperative Transmit-Beamforming for UWB Ad-Hoc Networks with Limited Feedback," presented at the IEEE Globecom 2007, November 2007.
  2. Y. Hou and K. K. Leung, "A Novel Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Mesh Networks," presented at the IEEE Globecom 2007, November 2007.
  3. I. W. H. Ho, K. K. Leung, J.W. Polak, and R. Mangharam, "Node Connectivity in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks with Structured Mobility," presented at the IEEE LCN Workshop 2007, October 2007.
  4. Y. Hao, D. L. Goeckel, Z. Ding, D. Towsley, and K. K. Leung, "Achievable Rates of Physical Layer Network Coding Schemes on the Exchange Channel," presented at the IEEE MILCOM 2007, October 2007.
  5. S. Zhu, K. K. Leung, and A. G. Constantinides, "Distributed Cooperative Data Transfer for UWB Ad Hoc Networks," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2007, September 2007.
  6. K. K. Leung, M.V. Clark, B. McNair, Z. Kostic, L. J. Cimini, Jr., and J. H. Winters, "Outdoor IEEE 802.11 Cellular Networks: Radio and MAC Design and Their Performance," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., vol. 56, no. 5, part 1, pp. 2673-2684, September 2007.
  7. M. Yu, K. K. Leung, and A. Malvankar, "A Dynamic Clustering and Energy Efficient Routing Technique for Sensor Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 3069-3079, August 2007.
  8. Y. Hou and K. K. Leung, "A Framework of Opportunistic Allocation of Radio Resources," presented at the IEEE PacRim 2007, August 2007.
  9. S. Zhu and K. K. Leung, "Distributed Cooperative Routing for UWB Ad-Hoc Networks," presented at the IEEE ICC 2007, June 2007.
  10. A. Magnani and K. K. Leung, "Self-Organized, Scalable GPS-Free Localization of Wireless Sensors," presented at the IEEE WCNC 2007, March 2007.


  1. Y. Hou and K. K. Leung, "Performance Impacts of Erroneous Channel Prediction on Packet Scheduling in Wireless Networks," presented at the Global Mobile Congress 2006, October 2006.
  2. M. Yu, H. Luo, and K. K. Leung, "A Dynamic Radio Resource Management Technique for Multiple APs in WLANs," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 1910-1919, July 2006.
  3. Y. Xiao, F. H. Li, K. Wu, K. K. Leung, and Q. Ni, "On Optimizing Backoff Counter Reservation and Classifying Stations for the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Wireless LANs," IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 713-722, July 2006.
  4. A. Alexiou, P. Dallas, K. K. Leung, and C. Papadias, "MEMBRANE: Multi-Element Multihop Backhaul Reconfigurable Antenna Network," presented at the European IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2006, June 2006.
  5. C. Akcaba, R. U. Nabar, and K. K. Leung, "A PHY/MAC Approach to Wireless Routing," presented at the IEEE ICC 2006, June 2006.
  6. Y. Zhao and K. K. Leung, "Adaptive Channel Allocation for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs," presented at the IEEE European Wireless 2006, April 2006.
  7. D. Houck, K. K. Leung, and P. Winkler, "Data Synchronization Methods Based on ShuffleNet and Hypercube for Networked Information Systems," presented at the IEEE Infocom 2006, April 2006.


  1. S. Das, T. E. Klein, K. K. Leung, et. al., "Distributed Paging and Registration in Wireless Networks," IEEE Network, September/October 2005.
  2. S. Das, T. E. Klein, K. K. Leung, et. al., "Distributed Radio Link Control Protocol in All-IP Cellular Network," presented at the IEEE VTC 2005, September 2005.
  3. Y. Xiao, K. K. Leung, Y. Pan, and X. Du, "Architecture, Mobility Management and Quality of Service for Integrated 3G and WLAN Networks," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 5, pp. 805-823, 2005.
  4. S. Mukherjee, K. K. Leung, and G. E. Rittenhouse, "Protocol and Control Mechanisms to Save Terminal Energy in IEEE 802.16 Networks," presented at the IEEE PacRim 2005, August 2005.
  5. Y. Xiao, H. Li, K.K. Leung, and Q. Ni, "Reservation with Grouping Stations for the IEEE 802.11 DCF," presented at the Networking 2005, May 2005.
  6. K. K. Leung, S. Mukherjee, and G. E. Rittenhouse, "Mobilty Support for IEEE 802.16a Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE WCNC 2005, March 2005.


  1. J. Chuang, K. K. Leung, X. Qiu, S. Timiri, and L.- C. Wang, "Power Control for Packet Voice Service in Future TDMA Wireless Networks," International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2004.
  2. T. E. Klein, K. K. Leung, and H. Zheng, "Improved TCP Performance in Wireless IP Networks Through Enhanced Opportunistic Scheduling Algorithms," presented at the IEEE Globecom 2004, November 2004.
  3. T. E. Klein, K. K. Leung, R. Parkinson, and L. G. Samuel, "Avoiding TCP Timeouts in Wireless Networks by Delay Injection," presented at the IEEE Globecom 2004, November 2004.
  4. K. K. Leung, T. E. Klein, C. F. Mooney, and M. Haner, "Methods to Improve TCP Throughput in Wireless Networks With High Delay Variability," presented at the IEEE VTC 2004, September 2004.
  5. J. Chuang, K. K. Leung, X. Qiu, S. Timiri, and L.- C. Wang, "Power Control for Packet Voice Service in Future TDMA Wireless Networks," in International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2004.


  1. K. K. Leung and B. J. Kim, "Frequency Assignment for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE VTC 2003, October 2003.


  1. K. K. Leung and L.- C. Wang, "Integrated Link Adaptation and Power Control to Improve Error and Throughput Performance in Broadband Wireless Packet Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 619-629, October 2002.
  2. K. K. Leung, "Power Control by Interference Prediction for Broadband Wireless Packet Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 256-265, April 2002.
  3. K. K. Leung, "Load-Dependent Service Queues With Application to Congestion Control in Broadband Networks," Performance Evaluation, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 27-40, October 2002.
  4. H. Yin, Z. Kostic, K. K. Leung and L. J. Cimini, Jr., "Multirate 802.11a Networks: Data Rate and MAC Fragmentation Adaptation," presented at the Conference on Information Sciences and Systems 2002, March 2002.
  5. H. Yin, Z. Kostic, K. K. Leung and L. J. Cimini, Jr., "Multirate 802.11a Networks: System Performance Evaluation," presented at the Conference on Information Sciences and Systems 2002, March 2002.
  6. K. K. Leung, B. McNair, L. J. Cimini, Jr. and J.H. Winters, "Outdoor IEEE 802.11 Cellular Networks: MAC Protocol Design and Performance," presented at the IEEE ICC 2002, April 2002.
  7. M. V. Clark, K. K. Leung, B. McNair, and Z. Kostic, "Outdoor IEEE 802.11 Cellular Networks: Radio Link Performance," presented at the IEEE ICC 2002, April 2002.
  8. Z. Jiang, K.K. Leung, J. Kim, and P.S. Henry, "Seamless Mobility Management Based on Proxy Servers," presented at the IEEE WCNC 2002, March 2002.


  1. K. K. Leung, P. F. Driessen, K. Chawla, and X. Qiu, "Link Adaptation and Power Control for Streaming Services in EGPRS Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 2029-2039, October 2001.
  2. Z. Jiang, L. Chang, B. J. Kim, and K. K. Leung, "Incorporating Proxy Services into Wide Area Cellular IP Networks," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 299-312, July 2001.
  3. K. K. Leung, J. H. Winters and L. J. Cimini, "Interference Estimation with Noisy Measurements in Broadband Wireless Packet Networks," presented at the IEEE VTC 2001, October 2001.
  4. K. K. Leung and Z. Jiang, "Link-Condition Based Proxies for QoS Management in Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 2001, September 2001.


  1. K. K. Leung, P. F. Driessen, K. Chawla, and X. Qiu, "Performance Improvement for Streaming Services by Link Adaptation and Power Control in EGPRS Wireless Networks," presented at the Workshop on Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic 2000, December 2000.
  2. J. Chuang, K. K. Leung, X. Qiu, S. Timiri, and L.- C. Wang, "Power Control for Wireless Packet Voice with Application to EDGE System," presented at the IEEE Globecom 2000, November 2000.
  3. K. K. Leung, "Power Control by Kalman Filter With Error Margin for Wireless IP Networks," presented at the IEEE WCNC 2000, September 2000.
  4. Z. Jiang, L. Chang, B. J. Kim and K. K. Leung, "Incorporating Proxy Services into Wide Area Cellular IP Networks," presented at the IEEE WCNC 2000, September 2000.
  5. K. K. Leung and L.- C. Wang, "Controlling QoS by Integrated Power Control and Link Adaptation in Broadband Wireless Networks," European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 383-394, July 2000.
  6. K. K. Leung and L.- C. Wang, "Integrated Link Adaptation and Power Control for Wireless IP Networks," presented at the IEEE VTC 2000, May 2000.
  7. L. - C. Wang and K. K. Leung, "A High-Capacity Wireless Network by Quad-Sector Cell and Interleaved Channel Assignment," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 472-480, March 2000.


  1. L. - C. Wang and K. K. Leung, "Performance Enhancement by Narrow-Beam Quad-Sector Cell and Interleaved Channel Assignment in Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE Globecom 1999, December 1999.
  2. K. K. Leung and L.- C. Wang, "Integrated Power Control and Link Adaptation for QoS in Broadband Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 1999, September 1999.
  3. K. K. Leung and A. Srivastava, "Dynamic Allocation of Downlink and Uplink Resource for Broadband Services in Fixed Wireless Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 990-1006, May 1999.
  4. K. K. Leung, "A Kalman-Filter Method for Power Control in Broadband Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE Infocom 1999, March 1999.
  5. K. K. Leung, J. Ho and H. Chien, "A New Digital Sense Multiple Access (DSMA) Protocol for High-Speed Wireless Networks," International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan. 1999.


  1. T. K. Fong, P. S. Henry, K. K. Leung, X. Qiu, and N. K. Shankaranarayanan, "Radio Resource Allocation in Fixed Broadband Wireless Networks," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 806-818, June 1998.
  2. D. Grillo, R. A. Skoog, S. Chia, and K. K. Leung, "Teletraffic Engineering for Mobile Personal Communications -- Meeting the Needs of ITU-T," IEEE Personal Communications, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 38-58, December 1998.
  3. L. - C. Wang and K. K. Leung, "A High-Capacity Cellular System with Improved Sectorization and Interleaved Channel Assignment," Workshop on Multiaccess, presented at the Mobility and Teletraffic 1998, October 1998.
  4. K. K. Leung, J. Ho, and H. Chien, "A New Digital Sense Multiple Access (DSMA) Protocol for High-Speed Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE PIMRC 1998, September 1998.
  5. A. Srivastava, N. K. Shankaranarayanan, and K. K. Leung, "Sector-Based Resource Allocation for Fixed Broadband Wireless Networks," presented at the IEEE VTC 1998, May 1998.


  1. K. K. Leung, "Load-Dependent Service Queues With Application to Congestion Control in Broadband Networks," presented at the IEEE Globecom, November 1997.
  2. K. K. Leung and Y. Levy, "Global Mobility Management by Replicated Databases in Personal Communication Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 1582-1596, October 1997.
  3. K. K. Leung and Y. Levy, "Data Replication Schemes for Global Networks," presented at the International Teletraffic Congress 1997, June 1997.
  4. K. K. Leung, "An Efficient Approach to Updating Replicated Databases in Wireless and Advanced Intelligent Networks," IEEE Trans. on Computers, a special issue on mobile computing, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 362-367, March 1997.
  5. T. F. Fong, P. S. Henry, K. K. Leung, X. Qiu, and N. K. Shankaranarayanan, "Bandwidth Allocation in Fixed Broadband Wireless Networks," presented at the WINLAB Workshop on Third Generation Wireless Networks 1997, March 1997.


List of publications before 1997

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